About Us

The Italian Society of Biomechanics and Segmented Orthodontics (SIBOS) strives to promote the study and clinical application of biomechanics in orthodontics since 1989.
The scientific basis of orthodontics rests on a knowledge of anatomy, physiology, growth and in particular biomechanics, that studies the relationship between force systems and dental or orthopedic correction. The knowledge of biomechanics is necessary to control tooth movement, and the application of the correct force system is relevant to the correct selection of any orthodontic appliance such as sliding mechanics, intermaxillary elastics, functional appliances or aligners. The emphasis is on principles rather than techniques, with a language that universally describes how an appliance works and is to be used.

Become a Sibos member

  • Orthodontic Biomechanics Introductory Course.
  • Hands-on workshop with wire-bending sessions on typodont with qualified instructors.
  • Annual Interdisciplinary Congresses.

€ 100 for Qualified Dentist
€ 50 for Postgraduate Students

Sibos Board 2023 2024

Bruno Oliva

Rosaria Bucci
Vice President

Stefano Troiani
Cultural Advisor

Francesco Fava

Lucia Perdoni

Pietro Vecchione

Roberto Rongo

Aristea Cedrone

Silvia Massotti
Communication delegate

Giulia Vallogini
Youth delegate

Giorgio Oliva
Digital delegate

For any information contact the secretary,
we’ll be back to you as soon as possible

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and inability to access private area